
For a number of years now, about five or six, I lose track, I have engaged in the hobby that is scale modelling. The kits are the good old plastic (styrene) ones that most boys will have had a bash at at some time in their life. My favourite subject is mainly armoured fighting vehicles, mainly tanks, in 1/35th scale. It is my intention to post some build logs as well as a gallery of my feeble offerings, but please be aware, they are not to a very high standard and I am by no means an expert. I’m hoping to encourage some like-minded individuals to do the same thing and maybe even convert a few people into this relaxing and rewarding hobby.

Just to get the ball rolling I thought I would add a couple of pictures of previously finished work, whilst I work out how best to organise the rest of my content. Hope you will enjoy!

IMG_0915 IMG_0920 IMG_0916 IMG_1139 IMG_1129 IMG_0851 IMG_0866

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