Good Morning Britain. Just A Warm-up For Jeremy Kyle?

It was always my intention to use my blog for more serious issues. Like, things that bothered me, or just didn’t seem right. Social and political injustices. Environmental concerns. Human rights and infringements on our civil liberties. But now, something more important has come up. Good Morning Britain. Or, more precisely, Piers Morgan!

It would be easy to jump on the bandwagon and join in with all of the other naysayers and Morgan haters, but that would be too easy. Everything that could be said about the man has probably already been said, so there’s no need for me to add anything. Indeed, in Piers Morgan’s own voice, the most flattering thing he can say about himself on Good Morning Britain, is that he’s, “not boring”. Great stuff!! Go Piers!! Hitler wasn’t boring. Genghis Khan wasn’t boring! Charles Manson, Ted Bundy and every other serial killer certainly couldn’t be described as boring. I’m sure that Piers would be the first to point out just how (in)famous these people are. They will be forever remembered in the annals of history. Only one thing worse than being talked about. Not being talked about. Right.

No, not right. I stopped buying newspapers a long time ago, because I was fed up with reading someones else’s opinion. Tired with the facts being presented in a certain way, so as to champion someone else’s point of view. Don’t get me wrong, I appreciate that it is difficult to report the news with completely no bias, after all, we can only see the world through our own eyes. We have no other point of reference to work with. But this is where good journalism comes in.

I’m tired of watching stories that have been hand picked by the Morgan so that he can push his own agenda. Using the show as a vehicle to air his owns opinions and to talk down and over yet another guest. Good Morning Britain has become the crash on the motorway; the fight outside a pub on a Friday night; the rude customer in a shop that insists on complaining whilst holding up the queue. People can’t help but stop and watch, although they know they shouldn’t. Gawping incredulously as the scene dramatically plays out in front of them. All that’s missing is the DNA and lie detector tests. I suspect that Piers Morgan has probably considered a way of getting them included though.

Ratings are up though. I guess the people that used to watch Happy Slapping videos are tuning in in their droves. Still, keeps them off of the streets I suppose.


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