The Answer To The World’s Problems! ALL OF THEM!!

Well, that’s a bold claim, I hear you cry, or is this just another clickbait title to entice me to read on. Okay, it may be a bold statement and a little tongue-in-cheek, but I believe the basic premise of my idea is sound in principle.

My idea to solve the world’s problems – abolish MONEY!!!! That’s right, you read that correctly, abolish money. But that’s crazy! What will we do instead, how will we mange! The world will descend into anarchy and madness as everyone will go on a massive looting rampage.

Before you dismiss my idea, let me try to rationalise it by analysing some of the main “problems” that blight our world, but first, exactly what are these problems, or at least what are the main categories these problems fall into –

  • Famine and hunger
  • Poverty
  • Disease and inadequate healthcare
  • War and conflict

And now, what are the main contributing factors that cause and help to perpetuate these problems –

  • Famine and hunger
    • Lack of investment and funding by governments to maintain and sustain food production, from farming through to the manufacture and distribution of food.
  • Poverty
    • Lack of investment and funding into social welfare issues, including providing a basic level of education for everyone to ensure a more level “playing field”.
  • Disease and inadequate healthcare
    • Lack of investment and funding into providing a basic level of hygiene and health care for everyone regardless of your social or geographical position.
  • War and conflict
    • Countries, groups or individuals looking to seize control of exterior territories or resources, either in the guise of defence, or beneficial gain.

How is abolishing money going to help I hear you cry, Surely the answer is to throw more money at these problems as that is the obvious fix. If that were true, then why isn’t this being done. Hardly a week goes by without some celeb appearing on our TVs from a war-torn, famine-stricken backdrop, imploring us to send some more money. And we do. Millions are raised, aid is sent, and yet the following year we get asked for even more money and then the following year for more still. The reason being, food, medication, clothing etc. all costs money and once the coffers are empty, there is no more aid. Remove money from the equation and we can provide as much food and medication as is required.

But I can hear the general outcry now, “Well, if I’m not getting paid, then I’m not working!”. Or alternatively, “Well, if everything is free, then I’m having it all and I’m just going to sit back, relax and enjoy it!”

Unfortunately, it wouldn’t work that way. If you want tech, TV and the latest fashions, we are still going to need people to make them. If you want food, then people will still need to work on farms and in factories in order to produce it all. These jobs will still need to be fulfilled as well as roles such as teachers, doctors, nurses, police officers, fire-fighters etc. We will still need people to work in factories and offices in order to manufacture and produce the things that we need and want. We will need to come together as a community, or rather a collection of communities and ensure that the jobs that need doing are done. If you want a new tablet, TV, or designer pair of shoes, you will need to ensure that you are making your contribution to society. That doesn’t mean that you will now have to work for Apple making iPads (other tablets are available), but you will need to ensure that you are contributing in some measurable way. If your skill is in education, then you will be required to teach. If caring for the sick is your vocation, then you will be a nurse or doctor. You get the idea.

Think of the benefit of not working for money because you must. Instead of doing a job that affords you to be able to pay your bills, you can do a job that you truly enjoy. How many of us would rather deliver the post, drive a bus, or work outside with our hands, rather than sit in front of a flickering screen doing meaningless tasks for ten hours a day. Instead, we can lead fulfilling lives, enjoying our work, knowing that we have contributed to our society. Worrying about paying bills, saving for trinkets and hollow rewards and just generally getting by will become things of the past. I truly believe that our values will change and rather than judging people by their jobs and possessions we will start to place an importance on their contributions to society. More importantly, we will start to enjoy our work and in turn take pride in our jobs as we will be doing something that we want to do as opposed to doing something we have to do.

However, I am not naive, and I understand that every solution brings its own problems. This will be a huge undertaking and it will need policing by the general population to ensure that everyone is contributing fairly. It will also require each communal group as well as society in general to ensure that no one individual or group is benefiting more than others. The usual yardstick for measuring power and wealth is money, so with this element removed, society will start to re-evaluate how it views groups and individuals.

Do I think this idealistic plan is achievable? Who knows? Probably not! But what is the alternative, carry on as we are, forever staggering on towards the abyss. The amount of money in the world is arguably more than it has ever been, but the number of people that share this wealth is smaller than ever before and getter smaller by the day. A handful of companies now turn over in excess of a trillion dollars a year each, whilst billions of people go without and struggle on a daily basis.

We are no longer staggering towards the abyss, but instead we are galloping headlong towards it. Grasping for the dollar bill that is dangling from a thread just beyond our grasp. We are told to try a bit harder, to reach a bit further to want it a bit more, but deep down we know it will always be just beyond the stretch of our fingertips.

So, do I think that abolishing money is achievable. I genuinely do as I believe that the majority of people want to do the right thing. They want to help their fellow man and see their communities flourish and grow. If they didn’t, these charities wouldn’t raise millions each time there was a new campaign to raise money for a worthy cause. How many times on TV do we see a community come together to help a family in need decorate or renovate their homes. I have faith in people’s compassion and kindness.

So, do I really think that abolishing money is the answer.

I’m really not sure – but I’m willing to give it a try. After all, when you have nothing, what have you got to lose.

Don’t Ask for Whom The Bell Tolls. It Tolls For The BBC.

A while ago, the news channels ran a feature about the salaries that were being paid by the BBC. At the time, they were highlighting the disparity between what men were being paid, versus what women were receiving. I was more interested in the disparity between what “entertainers” were being paid, compared to the incomes of the rest of us mere mortals.

You can read my thoughts about the subject here.

Lo and behold and the topic is being revisited. This time though, the issue is in connection to the over-75’s being made to pay for their TV licenses. Understandably, there is an outcry as public feeling is very strong. After all, didn’t a very wise man once say, a society can be judged by how it looks after its children and the elderly.

General opinion is such that most people are advising the over-75’s to refuse to pay for their licenses. After all, the courts are unlikely to lock-up thousands and thousands of pensioners. A noble sentiment, but a tad scarier in practice. Especially if you are the one that is facing possible imprisonment. In actuality, there is a much simpler solution. Please bear with me.

We live in an age where the way we used to watch television has changed radically. No longer do we have to plan ahead, schedule watching our favourite programs and then wait days for them to come on. Only to miss half of the program, because we have forgotten that it is actually on! No, everything now is on demand. We pay to stream programs live onto our screens. And not just TV screens either. We watch TV on laptops, our tablets and our smartphones. No longer are we constrained to hunker down in the room that contains our telly in order to watch our preferred programs. Now we can pretty much watch them anywhere that we receive a WiFi signal.

So the answer then I hear you cry! We should all write to the BBC and give them notice of the cessation of our payment of the license fee. We should instruct them that we no longer wish to receive their signal as we have other means by which to watch TV. This way, it won’t just be the over-75’s that are refusing to pay the license fee, but all of us, and with a legitimate reason. We are not just refusing to pay, we have also given notice that we no longer wish to receive their service.

It would ring the death knell for the BBC. Overnight they would be crippled and their incoming revenue would be turned off like a tap. In turn, this would force them to re-think the whole way they are funded. But this would mean advertising on the BBC! Never! Sacrilege! Not necessarily, there are other ways. Fairer ways that would mean that those that can afford it would pay and not those that deserve to be looked after in the autumn of their life.

But that, as they say, is another story. One to which I may have inferred to earlier on!

Say What You Mean & Mean What You Say

It seems that whatever we say these days seems to offend someone. Everything and everyone has been identified and labelled and that is what they must be referred to as.

What about freedom of speech though? Didn’t somebody once say, that for speech to be truly free, someone will end up taking offence. That’s all well and good, I hear you say, but we don’t want to encourage hate-speak. Hate-speak, just what is that? It sounds like something straight out of a George Orwell novel. Yet another label to bend and guide what we do and don’t say.

Don’t get me wrong, I’m not advocating that we should put up with extreme opinions, just because it is free speech. The incitement of hatred and violence is never justified in the pursuit of voicing an opinion. But surely, the censorship of such opinions lies in our hands and not in the politicians and the policy setters.

If somebody is spouting off about some nonsense, just walk away. Don’t read that blog, or post. Delete that email, or article. Starve these things of the publicity they crave and they will quickly fade away. Instead, support the things you believe in and that mirror your own opinions.

After all, they are only words. How many times have we heard a comedian tell a joke that is “politically incorrect”, (don’t you just hate that term!), only to be told, “it’s all right, that person, is Jewish/black/disabled”, (delete as applicable). Does that make it okay though? If a person in a wheelchair tells a joke about someone with no legs, should we laugh? Of course we should! They’re a comedian and they’ll sell more tickets if we all laugh at their jokes! On a serious note though, surely it’s down to the intent. We know that the words they use are not meant to offend and that is the key.

If someone were to call you thick, I hope that you would be offended. However, if a waiter asked you if you wanted a thick steak, you wouldn’t think anything of it. It’s all down to the word’s intention.

So, in conclusion, should there be absolute freedom of speech. Of course there should! But the caveat should be, we should choose our words carefully and we should mean every one of them. We should also be prepared to suffer the consequences of them. Certain figures in history have done just this and have gone on to make an enormous difference. People like Martin Luther King and Nelson Mandela chose their words very carefully. They stood by them and in the end, hopefully, the will surely make a difference.

As the saying goes, talk is cheap, but speech should be truly free.

I Don’t Think We Belong Here.

Have you ever wondered why the planet we live on is so hostile? I’m not talking about being a victim of crime, or being attacked by wild animals. Nor am I talking about cutting in the line at the post office on pension day. No, I’m talking about everyday things. Situations that we should be very well adapted for, especially bearing in mind how long we have lived on this planet. Surely, evolution should have equipped us with the fundamental abilities to survive living on planet earth.

You would think so? But take just going outside for example. Especially on a hot sunny day. We wear sunglasses and slather our bodies in protective lotion. We are all too aware of the dangers of not doing either of these things. Exposure to more than thirty minutes of direct sunlight will see our skin turn red and burn. Prolonged exposure will put us at risk from skin melanoma and cancer. That can’t be right can it? The planet relies on the sun’s rays in order to keep the ambient temperature at the correct level to grow and sustain life. Apart from human beings apparently.

And relating to the temperature, is our body fat. Without getting too technical, our bodies produce two types of fat. One good and the other bad (I told you it wouldn’t be technical!). Our body produces the bad type of fat very easily at the average sort of temperatures that we live in. If the planet’s temperature was ten degrees or so higher, our bodies would produce more of the good fat and metabolise the bad stuff more easily. Not great for the environment of course, but more beneficial for our general health. We all now how bad it is to be carrying too much of the wrong sort of body fat.

And let’s not get started on the food we eat. How many people are allergic or intolerant to wheat? Wheat! The very food stuff that is supposed to be the staple of life. Growing wheat transferred human beings from nomadic hunter-gathers into land cultivating farmers. Arguably, farming wheat was instrumental in helping us to develop larger social groups that spread to become settlements. Which in turn, lead to the formation of towns and cities. Yet, a vast number of us are no longer able to eat the very thing that helped us to evolve into the society we are now. And this is just the tip of iceberg.

We seem to be allergic to more and more things as time goes by. Life-saving Epi-pens, once unheard of, are now common place in schools. Teachers now have bags filled with the things, each one labelled with the name of the child it is intended for. Waiting to inject every bloating, convulsive victim at the onset of a deadly peanut invasion!

The more you think about it, the more you come to the conclusion that we appear to be mere interlopers on this planet. Just a look at our own circadian rhythms seem to support this hypothesis. Whilst most animals seem to be in harmony with the world around them, we do not seem able to cope without, clocks , compasses or maps. Well, that’s just down to advances in technology, I hear you cry. We have devices that can track these things for us. Devices that do a much better job.

Then, how do you explain astronauts? A recent study showed that astronauts own “body clocks” (circadian rhythms) followed a 24-hour cycle. However, after a short while in space, this re-calibrated to follow a 24.9 hour cycle. Doesn’t sound a great deal, but that’s almost a whole hour per day. That’s an extra fifteen days per year. How does that work?

So what’s the answer? I don’t know, is the only reply I have for you. The more you look into it, the more it seems as though we haven’t adapted very well to living on this planet. Does that mean we were actually once from another planet? I’m not sure. But, the next time that you feel alone and a bit of an outsider, maybe there’s a reason for it. It’s because you are!

And Yet, We Can Put A Man On The Moon.

We’ve come a long way haven’t we? The human race I mean. Later this year it will be the 50th anniversary of the moon landings. Half-a-century on from that amazing achievement and there’s talk of firing nano-rockets into space via laser beams in order to explore neighbouring galaxies. Wow! Doesn’t that just blow your mind!

From picking up rocks and stones and fashioning them into rudimentary tools, we now have computers so intelligent, they are capable of doing most things that human beings can do. From the humble wheel, we now have planes that can jet from continent to continent in mere hours. Magnetic levitation trains that can travel at speeds of up to 375 mph (603 kph). We now understand our own physiology down to the genome level. So much so, we are now able to identify the very gene that ages us.

Our understanding of ourselves and the world around us has never been higher. The advancement we have made in the last hundred years is absolutely unprecedented. Or is it?

And yet we are flummoxed by the most mundane, everyday things. Here in the UK, the country grinds to a halt if we have a light smattering of snow, or if leaves happen to fall on the train tracks. We are unable to buy a few simple grocery items, because the self-serve till can’t differentiate between a carrier bag and an empty space. People are no longer able to change a light bulb, because there isn’t an app to show us how to do it.

We are still unable to cure the common cold and in trying to do so, we have almost made ourselves impervious to modern antibiotics. We cannot generate the energy that we require to sustain ourselves without destroying the very planet that we live upon. We are unable to ensure that all children reach early adulthood with the educational fundamentals they require in order to be independent. And we are unable to guarantee that our elderly and infirm will be cared for and looked after in a manner to which they deserve.

The most frightening thing about all of this though, is that it doesn’t look likely that we are going to get a handle on these things anytime soon. Or maybe it’s a case that we don’t want to, that we aren’t even trying to fix these things. After all, if you cure the common cold, the pharmaceutical companies will lose millions selling us next to useless remedies. And why develop cheap sustainable energy when you can rape the environment and turn it into billions of dollars instead. In the future, it will be someone else’s problem. As for the young and the old, screw ’em! The young are our next generation of workers and slaves and the old are of no use to us any more.

Oh yes, we’ve come a long way all right. We have turned billions of people into drones, so that a few people can be unimaginably rich. We should be so proud!

The Robots Are Coming! It’s the End of the World!!

Have you ever been with friends and someone has asked one of those abstract questions to engage everyone in a light-hearted debate. You know the sort of thing, who would win a fight, a shark, or a gorilla. What power would you have if you were a superhero? And the old favourite, just how will the world end.

We used to worry about nuclear holocaust being the primary cause of bringing about Armageddon. Then came climate change. The world would end in some sort of cataclysmic event due to the pollution of the planet. Carbon dioxide would heat the atmosphere up to such a degree, the ice caps would melt causing huge tidal waves and tsunamis. Now people talk about super-bugs wiping out millions of people, due to our overuse of antibiotics. In the future, a simple cut will be enough to induce sepsis and there will be no way of fighting it.

All plausible, and each one is a genuine threat, but ask the so-called “experts”, what they think will be the real cause of our demise and opinion is pretty much shared. A robot uprising. Or, more accurately, artificial intelligence will get to such a point, that computers will be able to make and program even more powerful computers. At some point, their logic will tell them that there is no use for humans and it is then we will be eradicated. It’s the old joke. The factory of the future will be completely automated with no need for people. The only living creatures in the factory will be an old man and a dog. The man is there to feed the dog and the dog is there to make sure the man doesn’t touch anything!

All quite funny, but there is a serious side to the whole thing. Recently, scientists designed two robots, two chatbots, to talk to each other via the internet. The aim was to see if each chatbot could convince the other that they were actually a real person. The program ran for a while, before the scientists pulled the plug on the whole thing. Everything had been going well, until someone noticed that the transcript of the chatbot’s conversation was nothing but nonsense. It was then that someone realised that the chatbot’s had devised their own language. The problem was, no one knew what the hell the chatbots were talking about! Scary stuff!!

Personally, I don’t think it will be AI that finally kills off the human-race. No, I don’t think it will be global warming, or superbugs either. All these things are just the effects. The real cause is us. Human beings, people, mankind. We will be the cause of our own downfall. Without us, there would be no global warming. Without our dependence on drugs, we wouldn’t have created bacteria that we are unable to treat. And if it wasn’t for our desire to make our lives “easier”, to make things quicker and more efficient, we wouldn’t be rushing headlong into the abyss that is artificial intelligence.

But don’t say that we weren’t warned, because we were. Stephen Hawking and Elon Musk have both given their opinions of the very subject. Indeed, it was the former that advised that we only have about one hundred years left to do something about climate change. At that point, if it continues to get worse, we will either have to leave the planet, or stay and die.

Still, we don’t have to really worry about being drowned in a cataclysmic flood of biblical proportions. That’s just nonsense. The robot army will  have killed us all by then!!

Change. Doesn’t Always Mean Progress

I have a dog. On a daily basis I take her for a walk, which she enjoys immensely. Most days, we take the same route, walking down the same roads and my dog sniffs at the same lampposts and the same clumps of grass.

Today though was slightly different. One of the roads we walk down is quite remote and rural. The houses are large and laid back into their own sizeable plots of land. As we reached the end of the road, I noticed a large gap where there once was a house

Behind a rust-eaten, yellow bulldozer sat a large pile of bricks that had once been the house. As my faithful dog sniffed around in the grass verge on the edge of the property, I looked wistfully at the scene before me. The house hadn’t been anything out of the ordinary. A fairly standard detached house built at the turn of the twentieth century. Four bedrooms, I guessed and probably with its own separate dinning room.

And then it hit me. For over a hundred years that house had stood there and in a matter of a couple of days, it was no more than rubble. Imagine just what it had seen. At least five different monarchs, two world wars and England winning the football world cup. And what about the people that had lived there.

Over three generations of families would have occupied that house. I wondered whether it had been passed down through the same family or whether different families had lived there. How many births had occurred there? How many deaths? Children taking their first steps; Christmases and birthdays; marriages and funerals. Celebrating exam success and new jobs. Coming to terms with the passing of a loved one and battling serious illness. Looking at that house, I wouldn’t mind betting that it had witnessed the whole gambit of human emotions.

But that’s progress. Tear down the old to make way for the new. In the coming months, that plot of land will probably see, two, three, or maybe even four houses spring up from the remains of the dust that now lies there. New families will move in and fresh memories will be created and forged. Multiple families all living shoulder to shoulder in the space that once was occupied by a single family. Progress, or perhaps just the pursuit of profit. All of those past lives and memories will be forgotten.

Issac Newton once said that we were “standing on the shoulders of giants”. Einstein reused the quote to emphasise that his great work wouldn’t have been possible without the likes of Newton to lay the groundwork for him and other scientists like him. By recognising and acknowledging the past, we can use those experiences to move us forward.

Today though, that doesn’t seem the case. We seem to constantly destroy everything that is around us and explain it away as progress. We need to knock down that house, cultivate that land, cut down that forest, for that’s progress. After all, we have to keep moving forward, don’t we? But in doing so, who’s shoulders are we going to stand on.

As I stood there looking at the remains of that old house, I couldn’t help feeling sad at the loss of all those memories. Perhaps now in the 21st century, we don’t need to refer to our past in order to help us keep moving forward. Perhaps we understand so much about the world now, our history isn’t relevant any more. We have no need to stand on anyone’s shoulders, for we are tall enough.

I can only hope that is the case, but experience tells me otherwise.

Give Up Smoking. Now!

Well, Christmas seems an age away and it’s probably too late to still be wishing people a “happy new year”, so what next.

Out screens are full of adverts tempting us to either book a holiday or join the gym. We are being told that a new “you”, is just a diet away and that if you don’t give up smoking, you will die tomorrow. Or, the day after at the very least! Many of us embark on these new projects with gusto. We set out full of vim and vigour, only to fail a few short weeks into our endeavours. Why is this?

Almost twenty-five years ago, I was a smoker. Not a heavy smoker, but a smoker none the less. Ten or so a day was my average, but on a night out, I could easily get through another ten. One Monday at work, a colleague offered me a challenge. Give up smoking. Together we would tackle this behemoth of a challenge and through our joint efforts, we would be triumphant. My work colleague had tried to give up in the past, but had failed at each attempt. Giving up was something I knew I would have to do, but it wasn’t something I had seriously considered.

I was in my mid twenties and I felt pretty fit. I regularly did sport and was yet to feel the adverse affects of my nicotine addiction. I thought about my colleague’s challenge and after at least three seconds of deliberation, I declined.

The following morning, on my way to work, I intended to stop at a local newsagents to buy a packet of cigarettes. Before entering the shop, I stopped to check I had my wallet and the strangest thing happened. A voice somewhere in the back of my head told me not to go in. Why not give up after all. Without giving it a second thought, I turned away from the shop and carried on towards my workplace.

As I mentioned, that was almost twenty-five years ago and I haven’t smoked since. I haven’t even had the slightest of urges to start again. If asked, I would have to confess, it was really very easy. I always thought that giving up would be extremely difficult, but for me, it was a piece of cake.

So, whats different about you, I hear you cry. Absolutely nothing, is my reply. I think I was one of the lucky ones. The voice I heard was my own and it was my voice of determination. At the time, I had a young family and my youngest daughter had just turned one. Somewhere in the back of my mind, I knew that I would have to give up if I wanted to see my children grow up. Most of my family were smokers and many had died through smoking related illnesses. Cancer, heart disease, lung disorders, you get the picture.

The thing that I realised though and I think it was the thing that made a difference, was that I knew that it only took three months to make an action become a habit. If we do something regularly enough, after three months it becomes a habit and it is harder to quit doing it. If you think about it, how long did your last diet last. Or, how long did you keep going to the gym before you quit. Four weeks. six weeks, eight weeks? I bet it wasn’t three months.

As human beings, we tend to look for the easiest way to do things. It ties in to our basic survival instincts. If something is hard or it hurts, our brain tells us to stop, or at the very least, find another way of doing it. And this is where you have to distract yourself. At those moments when you think about lighting up a cigarette, or tucking into that bar of chocolate, do something else. Think of something else.

It’s only for three months and that will quickly pass. It worked for me, and as I say, I actually found it quite easy. The hardest part is finding that voice of determination. We all have it and it’s different for each and every one of us. For me, it was my family that provided me with that “distraction” and I was lucky to find it, almost without having to look for it.

It works though. Get determined, keep yourself distracted from your destructive behaviour, keep it up for three months and you will succeed. Can I guarantee it? Well, it worked for me.

Our History Is a Lie.

When you eliminate the impossible, whatever remains, no matter how improbable, is the truth.”
Sir Arthur Conan Doyle

A bit of a change of pace today. I’ve grown a little tired of politics. Although there is plenty to say, what with everything that’s going on, I think we’ve all had enough of it.  I thought I’d turn to history instead. So, just what does a quote from a fictional character have anything to do with history, I hear you ask. Well, bear with me and please go back to the quote once you have read my piece.    

Egyptology has long been a favourite period in history for a lot of people. You can find plenty of weighty tomes on the subject in any bookshop or library. Experts have pondered all of the big questions and their answers are there for us all to read. Only the other night, I watched a fascinating program on some of the new tombs that are being discovered. The enthusiasm of the archaeologists was quite infectious and it is easy to see why people believe every word that they hear.

The Facts

Take for example the Great Pyramid that sits majestically on the Giza plateau. Approximately 2,300,000 blocks and large stones went into its construction, the average weight of each being between 2 and 30 tons. Some of the larger blocks weighed up to 70 tons and there are about 600,000 that fall into this category. Just how were these blocks cut from the ground I hear you ask. Good question! With copper chisels is the answer. Seriously! Copper!

Have a dig around in your shed or garage and see if you can find a length of old copper piping and have a go at a rock yourself. The soft copper pipe won’t last too long before there’s nothing left of it. Of course, experts can explain this. The workers got through about eight or so copper chisels a day. For over 2 million blocks of stone! That’s a lot of chisels. I think B&Q still have a ton of them on back-order. But they had to be made from copper as this was the metal that was available to us at this time. Approximately 2,500 b.c. Again, if the experts are to be believed.

Expert Opinion

Let’s leave that to one side for a moment and have a look at another “fact”. Just how did all of those stones and blocks get in to place. One theory is, that once they were quarried from the ground, they were floated up the Nile on boats. Again, I saw another program about this. They constructed a boat based on drawings from the time and then attempted to float it down the Nile. The block they used was about 2 tons and after much effort, they barely made it over to the other side of the river. Every slight eddy and wake threatened to tip the boat over and if the stone wasn’t bang in the middle, they stood no chance.

Now, lets ignore the fact that they used modern lifting equipment to get the block onto the boat, are you really trying to tell me that this is how the ancient Egyptians moved 2 million blocks of stone. Again, I don’t so! 

Let’s also put that to one side. Boy it’s starting to get crowded on the side over there. The blocks have all been transported to site and now we’re ready to start building. Just how was it done. One theory is that the Egyptians built a ramp. Perfectly feasible, until you reach a certain height. Bear in mind, the Great Pyramid is 139 metres high.

Plus, you don’t want a slope that is too steep, as you just won’t be able to push/drag the blocks up it. Now, for those of you who remember you trigonometry, it would be quite easy to work out the length of the hypotenuse, or the slope of the ramp if you prefer. Without boring you with the maths, it would be miles long. It would be a greater feat of engineering than the pyramid itself. 

Whatever Remains is the Truth

I could go on, but you get the gist of it. When you look at the “facts” that are presented to us about how the pyramids were built, they just don’t stack up. So what is the answer? They were built by survivors of the lost city of Atlantis? Or perhaps there was alien intervention? There’s a ton of speculation on how the pyramids were actually built and some of them make quite amusing reading. One thing is for sure, the ancient Egyptians had access to technology that was way more advanced than we originally thought. It’s the only thing that makes sense. When you remove everything that is impossible. 

You ask any modern engineer, how long would it take to construct a copy of the Great Pyramid, to the same dimensions and to the same accuracy and the answer will be the same. It can’t be done. Although, that’s not the truth is it? It already has been done. You can go and visit it. Touch it with your own hands and see it for yourself. Someone built it.


The answer? We need to keep asking questions and stop accepting what we are told. There are hundreds of pyramids across the globe and they are finding more all the time. Not to mention the giant heads of Easter Island, the giant Olmec heads of South America; not to mention Stonehenge and all the other neolithic monuments scattered around the world.

Somewhere in the annals of time, the answer to how these things have been built has been lost. Perhaps there once was a race of human beings that was far superior to what exists today. Maybe the legend of a great flood isn’t that far fetched and this is when this race of super beings met their doom. But that’s crazy right? You need a global catastrophic event for something like that to happen. Like a massive ice age that ended suddenly engulfing large sections of the planet in hundreds of feet of water.

But surely, that didn’t happen. Did it? Well, it might explain why there is so much ancient sea-life encrusted into the sandstone that makes up the Sphinx.

But that’s another story. 



Good Morning Britain. Just A Warm-up For Jeremy Kyle?

It was always my intention to use my blog for more serious issues. Like, things that bothered me, or just didn’t seem right. Social and political injustices. Environmental concerns. Human rights and infringements on our civil liberties. But now, something more important has come up. Good Morning Britain. Or, more precisely, Piers Morgan!

It would be easy to jump on the bandwagon and join in with all of the other naysayers and Morgan haters, but that would be too easy. Everything that could be said about the man has probably already been said, so there’s no need for me to add anything. Indeed, in Piers Morgan’s own voice, the most flattering thing he can say about himself on Good Morning Britain, is that he’s, “not boring”. Great stuff!! Go Piers!! Hitler wasn’t boring. Genghis Khan wasn’t boring! Charles Manson, Ted Bundy and every other serial killer certainly couldn’t be described as boring. I’m sure that Piers would be the first to point out just how (in)famous these people are. They will be forever remembered in the annals of history. Only one thing worse than being talked about. Not being talked about. Right.

No, not right. I stopped buying newspapers a long time ago, because I was fed up with reading someones else’s opinion. Tired with the facts being presented in a certain way, so as to champion someone else’s point of view. Don’t get me wrong, I appreciate that it is difficult to report the news with completely no bias, after all, we can only see the world through our own eyes. We have no other point of reference to work with. But this is where good journalism comes in.

I’m tired of watching stories that have been hand picked by the Morgan so that he can push his own agenda. Using the show as a vehicle to air his owns opinions and to talk down and over yet another guest. Good Morning Britain has become the crash on the motorway; the fight outside a pub on a Friday night; the rude customer in a shop that insists on complaining whilst holding up the queue. People can’t help but stop and watch, although they know they shouldn’t. Gawping incredulously as the scene dramatically plays out in front of them. All that’s missing is the DNA and lie detector tests. I suspect that Piers Morgan has probably considered a way of getting them included though.

Ratings are up though. I guess the people that used to watch Happy Slapping videos are tuning in in their droves. Still, keeps them off of the streets I suppose.